Sunday, August 20, 2006







Saturday, August 19, 2006

Congratulations to Nancy!!

Congratulations~~ Nancy~~

Can't believe that you really got married yesterday. It's a pity that I can't be there for you but I can see you must be very happy from the pictures. It's really great to know that you found your Mr. Right and decided to settle down. We all have stepped into another stage of our lives. Guess soon the conversation topics would be all about the kids. : )

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

9th Aug

9th Aug is a special date for me. My first time visiting Singapore is on 9th Aug 1999 when I stopped over here on my way to South Africa. I always remembered this date as we traveled from Singapore to Malaysia on that day and the checkpoint was like crazy because all the Singaporean or Malaysian working in Singapore all wanted to go to Malaysia for the holiday. Five years ago, I reached Singapore on 8th Aug to start my traineeship. Today, 9th Aug 2006, is the first day of my 5th year in Singapore. Isn't it quite special or even memorable for me?

Anyway, it's a public holiday here though I'm still working to prepare for the coming exhibitions and presentations. Would try to relax and rest a bit in the afternoon. : )

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy Father's Day

Sorry Daddy that I did not keep my promise to be back for every Father's Day and Mother's Day.

Was really tight up with all the exhibitions and important projects on hand. I only give myself six more months to bring up the business and I really want to make it. Please forgive me for this year and I promise I would be back with you next year for Father's Day.

Daddy!! I Love You and Happy Father's Day!!