Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cloud Gate - Nine Songs

I have been thinking to watch Cloud Gate's performance for a long time because it has earned a lot of compliments and respect from different part of the world and the most importantly they are from Taiwan. 2 years ago, they did have a performance in Singapore but I wasn't able to attend because of traveling schedule . Therefore, this time once I know of the Nine Song performance, I decided to go right away.

To be frank, I didn't really understand the whole performance as there are a lot of different factors here with a Chinese historic story, Taiwan local aboriginal music and dancing. However, the dancing, the stage setting, the music and the performance itself was really impressive to me though I didn't understand the story or there is even no story actually. ;Q

Actually, I met Mr. Lin Hwai-min in person at FSA VIP dinner. He delivered a speech about Cloud Gate and the different factors in his performance. I can really feel his enthusiasm when he was talking. It's really great to know that there are still a lot of people from Taiwan dedicating in their life. It's not just about politics here.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Wedgwood Tea Room

Had a long day today as I can't really focus and got a few conference calls and interviews. Besides, I have been feeling the stress from work for the past 2 weeks because of the few projects on hand and the pressure to open new accounts.

Therefore, I decided to leave earlier today and messaged Cindy and Sandy if they got any plan tonight. Cindy actually went for a concert today. So Sandy and I just met for dinner. We went to Wedgwood Tea Room at the new Sogo. I have been thinking to come as I like their bone china and we only want to have a light dinner.

We ordered one set with salad, sandwich and tea. The tea is really good as it's so refreshing and teasty. It has been always packed during weekend and even afternoon for weekdays as this is a popular place for those Tai-Tai.

I really start to consider switching my life to be a Tai-Tai if possible. I believe I would enjoy this kind of life to take good care of my husband and kids as well as myself a lot. However, this goal might not be that easy to achieve then.

Saturday, November 10, 2007



你卻不知道 我愛你

不是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
明明彼此相愛 卻不能在一起

不是明明彼此相愛 卻不能在一起

不是明明無法抵擋這股思念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡



Anyway, 再次見面後的感覺多了些許不確定,老實說,我對他的了解真的非常有限,再加上我這一年在新工作上的急速成長及未來可見的跳躍,很多事情應該都很不一樣了。不知道我是不是又再次過於理智,或許感情上很多東西不該用道理來分析,但或許這就是我吧﹗

Sunday, November 04, 2007


近來漸漸感到生活有點空虛的感覺, 其實還沒回來前就知道我的生活方式及對生活的想法跟家人有所差距, 尤其是我會想要有個舒適溫暖且屬於我的空間, 這樣我才能好好休息, 但我想短期內這是不太有可能實現. 但對想要有自己空間的想法卻又漸漸增長, 尤其最近看到一個介紹室內設計的電視節目"幸福空間", 就讓我更想要有個屬於自己風格的空間.

我現在就已經可以開始想像我想要的空間, 我一定要有個好廚房, 衛浴及一個有陽光的閱讀空間, 這三個會是我絕不妥協的必需品. 尤其是廚房, 我其實是個還蠻愛煮東西的人, 尤其是看到大家吃完那種滿足的感覺, 那真是種享受. 原本不認為我會是個居家的女人, 但漸漸的我發覺我會是個想要好好照顧家人小孩的人, 所以要是聽到我真的作個全職媽媽也不用太驚訝吧.

昨天在一個blog上看到人家在介紹"廚房之歌"這本書, 這其實是本食譜但就參雜了一些生活的筆記. 訴說這再不同國家的生活尤其是與小孩在廚房及食物上的互動. 看了好舒服, 好想有個屬於自己的家庭及空間, 就在廚房裡準備美物的食物給我愛的家人.

或許真的是年紀到了再加上身旁許多朋友也有了家庭, 那種幸福的感覺讓我也想步入家庭. 每天早上在心愛的人身邊醒來應該是在幸福不過的吧.

My New Toy - SE K810i

Currently, I'm using 2 phones: Dopod for the company number and SE for my personal number. My previous SE phone has been about 4 years old and got some problems. That's the reason why I'm considering getting a new phone these 2 months. I have been considering either SE K810i or K850i as I want to have a phone with good camera features so that I don't need to bring my camera along. In the end, I decided to go for K810i as the price difference to K850i is quite substantial and the major difference in terms of camera feature is only the mega pixel. Besides, K810i got this red color which is more for my style I guess. :)

I bought one at Shih-Lin this evening and the phone is just nice for me. Maybe it's because I have been used to the user interface of SE and the camera feature should be quite OK for normal shoots. Then I can take more pictures to share on my blog soon.