Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chika's Visit

Jenny & Chika Ceci & Chika
Ha Ha.. We have one SPECIAL guest at our place these 2 days. Our best friend, Chika Sonobe, is here visiting Singapore and Malaysia during her break from the Peace Boat. We know each other for more than 2 years when she was working in Singapore at that time. Then she decided to take up this special challenge to work as volunteer on the Peace Boat. After that, she continues this challenge to travel around the world with this boat. From the stories and pictures she has shared with us for the past one year, I can tell that is really a very special experience and I guess that's also what keeps her with this task for more than one year.

Anyway, she is a RANDOM person also. So it's not surprising that she just drops us an e-mail one day before she flies to Singapore. That's Chika and Singapore is maybe her 3rd or 4th home after Japan, Peace Boat or Malaysia.

Enjoy the next trip around the world then. Chika!! : Q

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