終於有空著手整理我那一堆書剛好翻到了我去年在台灣買得一本書書名叫Love Book而作者是位日本女性 廣瀨裕子它還有本姐妹書叫Heart Book越翻這本書就越有感想就挑幾篇跟大家分享單純的思念Just by thinking of you因為喜歡所以在一起所以希望能陪伴在身旁會有這種感覺是很自然的但是就算無法陪伴在一起就算相隔兩地喜歡的心意還是可以存在喜歡的形式分很多種單純思念的喜歡放在心底不說出來的喜歡如果會傷害到某人或是心上人的話那這份喜歡就化為單純思念就好只要單單想起喜歡的人就會產生力量喜歡的人如果幸福就滿足了這個世界上單純思念的喜歡也存在著無法比較As precious as love喜歡的人如有工作或者是有想做的事甚至是必做的事時往往就無法見上一面就算約定好了也有可能作罷這個時候很容易就會將其陷入和自己的比較自己和工作, 自己和想做的事到底對這個人而言何者比較重要但是這兩者是無法比較得因為二者原本就不是能放在互比的位置上見不到難免會感到不安, 寂寞但偶爾也會有無法見面的時候就像自己也有最重視的事情一樣喜歡的人也有重要的東西, 必須做的事這就是他的工作, 他的理想如能這麼想就能了解比較也沒用哪一個重要或不重要並非是由比較所決定的
Thanks for Ying's birthday gift book to me, Singapore CityScoops, and Celina's recommendation. I had my first ever Hot Yoga at Yogaffinity this evening. I have started practicing Yoga early last year and been reading some articles about Hot Yoga but it was only available in Taiwan at that time. Late last year, Celina told me about Yogaffinity in Singapore and happened that it was mentioned in the book, Singapore CityScoops, also. So I have been thinking of going for this Hot Yoga for a long time.I have been very busy with work, study and traveling for the first three months o this year and didn't really have time to relax and enjoy my free time. I finally finished MBA courses and one of my major exhibitions this year last weekand so that I can really spend more time with myself and decided to resume my regular yoga class. Basically, the postures are very similar to the regular Yoga that I have been doing but the heating environment makes quite a lot of difference. Firstly, I really sweat a lot and I think that's the key part of the whole exercise. The postures are actually not as intensive as what I have done but the whole effect might be greater because of the detoxing effects with heat. Guess I found something new again in Singapore and this should keep me busy for a while. Besides, I also decided to spend more time exploring this island as I don't think I know it good enough. It might be a good start to visit those interesting places on the book.
Just realized I can be very sentimental. I had one of my worst days 2 days ago. I was feeling very ill and even being send to clinic for injection by my colleague from office. I can only say that's "wonderful injection" as it released the pain immediately but you can also tell how bad the situation was.We normally would only realize how lonely and maybe helpless we are when we are really sick. I was send back home after the injection in clinic by my colleague. Then I just knocked off totally. By the time I wake up again, it's about 10pm. I was feeling really bad that night when I was trying to cook something for dinner. Can't really figure out why I was alone here and suffering all these at that particular moment. Anyway, couldn't really think too much as I was sick enough to ignore most of the things.The uncomfortable feeling has been going on these 2 days and I still need to need to finish the planning and preparation for my next fair in KL this Friday. Yesterday, I just wanted to have some Chinese herb soup for dinner as I think I need nutrition to keep me going through this weekend. The funny thing was the first person I though of was my ex-boyfriend. He might be one of the very few people that I considered family or close friends here, but the response I got was just a simple message that he had dinner appointment with somebody else. Can't really blame him as I was the one who decided to end the relationship as I think I don't really need him.Today, I finally submitted my binded thesis and it's really the end of my MBA course. Suddenly, I wanted to talk to people and share my happiness and relief so much but I can't really think of anyone other than my parents. Their response was just simple also as they were too far away to really sense how I felt. Wanted to share with another friend but guess he was busy with work & traveling and won't have much time to care about this also.Guess I'm really sentimental now as I'm sitting at the living room of my new place and wondering what's the next for me.
P.S. This is the result of three months hard work. Can't believe I really finished it.
There was an interesting article on Sunday Times last week, Women On Top. It's talking about the so-called "successful and confident" women in Singapore and how they look at relationships. Women who are educated, successful, high-earning and confident are called "alpha women" according to this article. Traditionally, men tend to marry "down" as they prefer women who are less educated. So there is a saying that more and more men can not find suitable partners locally so that they would have to look for their brides from other countries. I don't really agree with the idea of finding brides from other countries but I do believe that women want to marry "up", too, as we are looking for partners who are better or if not at least on par to us. In my opinion, the modern women like us are looking for lifetime partners or so-called soul mates as what we really need is those mental stuff. We can afford most of the material needs as we have enough income. We don't really need people to perform the "traditional" roles that boyfriends or husbands are doing such as drivers or bread-earners. To me, I'm looking for a partner/good friend that we enjoy spending time with each other, inspiring to each other so that we can achieve much more than when we are left alone. Normally at this kind of case, this person needs to be more outstanding than I do in some ways so that I would be inspired to go for a bigger or higher goal. Lately, a lot of friends are either getting married or having babies. I really started to realize that I'm stepping into a different stage of my life now as I'm also thinking of having babies. : ) I do believe having a happy family and kids are also another kind of achieve and sense of fulfillment other than work. Maybe someday I would become full time housewife and mom as I find that much more challenging than working, but some day maybe. May need to find this partner and get married first. Seems I'm not that un-traditional though my mom was trying to persuade me to buy sperms as long as the guy is smart, tall and handsome enough. What an interesting and different mom. : )
Happy Birthday to Jessica!! We have been spending quite a number of birthdays, valentine's day, Christmas, new year and a lot more countless festivals together. This year, we went to both our favorite place, Skyspace at Swissotel Hotel, to enjoy the drink and the city view of Singapore. I didn't really have time to prepare anything. So I just checked with the waitress and see if they can serve some cakes, but they suggest their strawberry plates which turned out to be an excellent present together with the nice live birthday song. : ) Don't really want to count the number of years that we have known each other. It would only show how fast time passed. We don't really have many chances to meet up though we are all staying at this tiny Singapore because we both are terribly busy and traveled quite a lot lately, but it's always good to spend this kind of significant dates with old friends. Guess we would have a lot more to go these 2 years. : )