Saturday, July 09, 2005

Breast Feeding

I am a supporter of Breast Feeding as I believe that is the best for both the baby and the mother. However, I was quite shocked today in the train to Orchard. There is a mother breast feeding the baby in the train. She actually has a special cloth for this activity. So her son was trying to dig out that cloth from her bag and signaled her that he was hungry. Then the mother just put up the cloth and got ready for the baby. I think I'm not the only one who got shocked as almost everyone were looking at her. It was actually very normal in some part of Europe or Africa. However, I just found it a bit strange in Singapore especially in a train. Guess I won't let my baby have the habit to "eat" everywhere he or she wants if I'm going to have one.


Jenny Yang said...

Surprise! Great to see you here. True, I yet to be a mom. I might act differently if I know my baby really needs me at that time, but I think I would still try to control a bit. Unless, I'm open enough when I become a MOM. ; )

Ying said...

actually there was this case several years back where this starbucks ( i think) waiter told this mother who was breastfeeding that its more or less" not decent" or something....and this mum was so angry that she held a silent protest with other mums BREASTFEEDING outside the cafe or something, :) it even went up to the papers...actually breastfeeding is pretty natural in the way of life..just that us Asians are not used to see nudity, we relate that to sex etc...:)