Thursday, September 15, 2005


Met up with one friend from Taiwan yesterday. He would be posted to Europe for at least 6 months very soon. During the conversation, he mentioned that he may want to stay over there for a longer period of time, because he is a bit tired of traveling for the past 5 years. It makes me start thinking what I want my future to be. I do plan to go back to Taiwan one to two years later. However, my biggest concern is I might not be able to adapt to life especially working life in Taiwan. One of the options for me is to start up my own business then I may not encounter those problems, but it is not easy. I can also look for jobs and I believe it is not that difficult based on my background and experience. However, if I want to stay in the same industry, I might be going into the international sales position like him as that's my strength. That means frequent traveling would be a must if I really want to do a good job. Then what's the difference between staying at Singapore but go back quite frequently and staying at Taiwan but not around most of the time.

Besides, he made me feel that he wants to settle down after all these years, but seems traveling is part and parcel of life for international sales. I don't think anyone can get rid of that if he or she wants to continue this career path. Maybe his case is just a extreme one as he has been asked to change the focus markets a couples of times in the past 2 years. I can understand the bad feeling of trying to adapt to the new environment again and again. Maybe that's his biggest concern and I may not run into the same situation if I really go into it as he is really the extreme case.

Anyway, I also just swifted my focus on work to international markets. At least, I got one to two years to try and find out if that's what I really to go into.

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